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Spider Things
Spider Stuff Co. - Awesome enclosures and spiders from the coolest girl everrrrr.
My favorite Amazon jumping spider stuff! - Affiliate link, purchases through this link are very appreciated as it helps me feed my babies!
My favorite items at Josh's Frogs - Here's my list of feeders & supplies that I buy often!
All You Need to Know About Spiders by Wolfgang Nentwig et al.
(affiliate link, thank you!) :)
"Spiders are super predators and devour everything they can overpower. To do this, they have developed incredibly good catching techniques and, with spider silk, a tool that makes material technology green with envy. The males are usually smaller than the females and, in order to have sex, they have to come up with a lot to avoid being misunderstood as easy prey: Dancing, drumming, and gifts almost always help. Spiders use their venom in very precise doses, and since humans are not on their menu, they are harmless to us. Many people's (unnecessary) fear of spiders finds cultural roots as early as the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, spider fear is easily treatable. There is no habitat or building without spiders. And that's a good thing, because spiders have fascinating properties and their world is full of surprises. Everything you need to know about them is explained in this book in understandable language by experts for laymen. In addition, some of the most common spider species in the house and garden are briefly presented with tips for observation."
Spiders Might Be Quietly Disappearing - Betsy Mason, October 28, 2023, The Atlantic
But scientists won’t know for sure unless we get over our ick factor.
Everyone should start counting spiders - Betsy Mason, October 25, 2023, Knowable Magazine
Our collective arachnid aversion could be causing us to overlook something even scarier: Spiders may be disappearing.